President - Michele Kahne
Born and raised in the Chicagoland area, Michele has been riding bikes for as long as she can remember. She grew up adventuring outside, building bandit trails, and sending some seriously sketchy features on sketchy bikes with her friends. It was the best! After university, she moved to West Texas for work and then finally made her way to Fort Worth in 2013. She decided to buy her first real mountain bike to meet people, get outdoors, and for exercise. The best decision she ever made. The MTB community is the absolute best and she has made so many friends, memories, and gone on many adventures thanks to that decision. Michele is excited to act as the President for FWMBA. Her main goal is to advance the outreach of our club to local businesses and partners, continue growing our trail systems, and to continue to have fun events for our Fort Worth riders. Say hi when you see her on the trail!